What's it all about?
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Check out our FAQ below or this free booklet that you can download or print off and go deeper into what baptism is all about. If you need to chat with someone, get in contact with one of our friends below.
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We believe the Bible teaches that you should be baptized as soon as possible following your decision to follow Jesus. Because the Bible clearly states that a person should be baptized, baptism should be seen as one of the earliest expressions of obedience to the Lord. At Otterbein, baptism services are done throughout the year as people express their desire to be baptized.
Who should attend my baptism?
Because baptism is an outward expression of your faith and commitment to Jesus Christ, it is our belief that baptism should be done in a public setting with family, friends, and other persons from the church present. Exceptions are sometimes made for extenuating circumstances, but we encourage you to be baptized during the public baptism service and to invite your family and friends to observe the service.
What happens when I am baptized?
Prior to your baptism, a video testimony will be played (see next question for more information about the video). During the playing of the video testimony, you will join one of the pastors in the water. Following the video, the pastor will share a word of personal encouragement with you and then you will be baptized by immersion one time. At Otterbein, we generally take a person back into the water when baptizing them.
What should be included in my video testimony?
Our staff realizes that for some people the thought of being recorded for a video testimony is overwhelming and causes a lot of anxiety. We want to assure you that we will help prepare you for your video testimony and do everything we can to make you comfortable when recording the video. More information about how to prepare for the video recording will be provided during the Baptism Orientation Class. The testimony will last approximately 1–3 minutes and will include information about when and how you chose to begin your relationship with Jesus, what changes you have experienced as a result of choosing to follow Jesus, and who has been instrumental and helpful to you in your decision to follow Jesus and grow in your relationship with Him.
How old do I need to be to be baptized?
There is no specific answer to this question and the Bible does not place any age requirement on baptism. It is important that children clearly understand the significance of water baptism & that they have made a commitment to Jesus Christ. Because of our concern that children clearly understand what it means to be baptized, all children 12 years of age & under are required to complete a special baptism workbook & attend the Baptism Orientation Class. Parents are also required to attend the class with the child prior to being baptized. Anyone 12 years of age & under who wishes to be baptized needs to call or email Amanda Myers (717.762.7147 x231) to discuss how to receive the baptism workbook & to learn more about Baptism Orientation Class including class times, dates & locations.
Is it okay to be baptized more than once?
In general, you should be baptized only once. The exception to this may be if you were baptized prior to choosing to begin a relationship with Jesus. For example, many people were baptized as infants prior to a conscious decision to begin a relationship with Jesus. It is our belief that a person baptized as an infant should be baptized again after choosing to begin a relationship with Jesus. It may also be appropriate for a person to be baptized again if they were baptized as an adult, but before choosing to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ. People who have been previously baptized should discuss their desire with one of the pastors before being baptized a second time.
What if I am afraid of water or have a physical handicap?
If you have a fear of water, contact one of the pastors to discuss your concerns. Other arrangements can be made to assist in addressing this concern.
What do I wear?
Prior to your baptism, someone from the church staff will talk with you about appropriate clothing for your baptism. You will also receive a t-shirt that you will wear the morning you are baptized. You will want to bring a towel & change of clothes with you so you can change your clothes following your baptism.
Who can I talk to if I have other questions?
One of the pastors would be happy to answer any additional questions you have about being baptized at Otterbein. Stop by Guest Central in the church lobby on Sunday mornings if you would like to speak with them while at church on Sunday. You can use the contact button below or call the church office 717.762.7147 to set up an appointment to meet with one of the pastors.